Trust of the Benefactor 2016 | TI6 Treasure

Trust of the Benefactor 2016

Trust of the Benefactor 2016 immortal treasure was released on August 30th, 2016 to anyone that purchased The International 2016 Battle Pass. It is marketable and tradable. Each pass holder is receiving three treasures because the TI6 prize pool passed the TI6 prize pool ($18,429,613).

There will be 200 lucky folks that get a rare, 100 that get a very rare, 50 for an extremely rare, and 25 for an ultra rare. Most of us will get common items but that’s the fun I suppose!

Trust of the Benefactor 2016

Some of the extremely rare drops and ultra rare drops are selling for a pretty penny as of the time of this writing.

Extremely Rare:

Ultra Rare:


Hopefully you’re lucky enough to get one of the rares!